What I Did Over my Weekend

Over the weekend I did a lot of things, like on Friday I went to my friend Julissa’s house. On Saturday, I went to breakfast with my mom and my sister Emily. After that, we went to my sisters orthodontist appointment where she had to talk about her braces and I got to play on the offices iPads. On Sunday night, I got a really bad nosebleed and it lasted for like 20 minutes. It was really bad ๐Ÿคฃ. I had to stay awake for like another hour just incase it came back. On Monday, I didn’t really do anything other than my homework ๐Ÿ“š because there really wasn’t much to do. In the afternoon I helped my Yiayia make meatloaf for dinner and after that I made brookies (brownies and cookies) for dessert (they were delicious ๐Ÿ˜œ). I also had to take my dog to the veterinarian because his leg was hurting him. On Tuesday, I babysat my baby cousin Jack from 7:30 to 12:30. Thats 5 and a half hours!! When he got to our house we played in the frontroom with all of his toys and he made me read the same book five times in a row! We also played with the newspapers and Jack started to rip them up so that game didn’t last long.  Later, we went to Walgreens to buy toilet paper when we came across this weird dancing chihuahua that also sang. It was really funny ๐Ÿ˜† because Jack was also dancing with it. We went to White Castle for lunch when Jack fell asleep in the car which wasn’t much of a surprise because he didn’t take a nap at all since he’d got to our house and out was 11:30. After that, we got to our house and I went inside while my Yiayia waited in the car so we didn’t wake up Jack. In 45 minutes, my Yiayia came in the house with a awoken Jack. We played for another half hour until Jacks mom (Allie) came and picked him up.


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