SOL April 17th

Today me and my sister Emily and my four cousins, Kayla, Katie, Jessie and Joey all went to Proksa Park at night and it was so fun. We took the tunnel that goes under the train tracks. ๐Ÿš‚   While we were going in the tunnel, we where making a bunch of noise and singing. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚   When we were starting to get close to the park, me, Emily, Katie and Joey decided to run there so we could get the swings first so Joey got on the swing and so did Katie. So when Jessie and Kayla finally caught up with us we played a game we would play on the swings. The game is when people are on the swings the other people would go in between them while their swinging. After we played with the swings, we played tag. After we played tag for a couple of minutes, my mom called Emily and told her that we had to come to my Aunt Jackie’s house. When we got to the house we just stayed in the garage for the rest of night until I had to go home.


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